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The preferred frequency of CD4, VL, and clinical monitoring during ATI was monthly. Ninety-five percent were on ART, of which 83% reported an undetectable VL. Four hundred forty-two completed the PLHIV survey: 22% identified as female, 39% older than 50 years of age, and 64% identified as gay/homosexual/lesbian. Responses to questions asked in both surveys were compared by χ 2 test. Responses were collected from July 2017 to January 2018, and a descriptive analysis was performed. Survey items included the following: frequency of CD4, viral load (VL) and clinical assessment, CD4 and VL threshold to restart antiretroviral therapy (ART), acceptability of detectable viremia during ATI, and potential risks of ATI. Two international online surveys for PLHIV and HHP assessed understanding and acceptability of monitoring strategies during ATI.

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Understanding of ATI acceptability among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their HIV health care providers (HHP) is limited. Analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) aim to assess effects of HIV cure-focused interventions, but poses potential risks.

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